
Chi fin'ora in Medio Oriente ha dimostrato più ferocia ?:

I guerriglieri di Hamas con la terribile strage del 7 ottobre o il governo israeliano che ha sterminato e   sta sterminando quasi 25.000 palestinesi compresi donne, bambini, neonati e giovani uomini e non ha nessuna intenzione di smetterla.

Lasciando sul campo oltre i morti, una enorme quantità di bambini e giovani con arti amputati.

Possibile che gli esseri umani di religione ebraica non si rendano conto della insopportabile sproporzione di questa vendetta cieca!?.

La Shoha è la loro tragica storia che può giustificarla?

La follia mitologica della terra promessa giustifica tutto ciò!! ??.

E l'occupazione dei territori palestinesi giustifica la violenza di Hamas?.

Cosa deve accadere ancora affinché quello che è successo e che sta accadendo in Medio Oriente, e il suo continuo orrore,  venga definito frutto di diverse e convergenti patologie mentali collettive ed i responsabili politici dell'una e dell'altra parte internati in un manicomio.??!!


English translation (Conversazione con Bard di Google):

Who has shown more ferocity in the Middle East so far?

The Hamas guerrillas with the terrible massacre of October 7, or the Israeli government that has exterminated and is exterminating nearly 25,000 Palestinians, including women, children, newborns, and young men, and has no intention of stopping.

Leaving on the field, in addition to the dead, an enormous amount of children and young people with amputated limbs.

Is it possible that human beings of the Jewish religion do not realize the unbearable disproportion of this blind revenge!?

Can the Holocaust, their tragic history, justify it?

Does the mythological madness of the promised land justify all this??

And does the occupation of Palestinian territories justify the violence of Hamas?

What else must happen for what has happened and is happening in the Middle East, and its continuous horror, to be defined as the fruit of different and convergent collective mental pathologies and the political leaders of both sides to be interned in a madhouse?

Here is the translation:

Who has shown more ferocity in the Middle East so far?

The Hamas guerrillas with the terrible massacre of October 7, or the Israeli government that has exterminated and is exterminating nearly 25,000 Palestinians, including women, children, newborns, and young men, and has no intention of stopping.

Leaving behind, in addition to the dead, an enormous amount of children and young people with amputated limbs.

Is it possible that human beings of the Jewish religion do not realize the unbearable disproportion of this blind revenge!?

Can the Holocaust, their tragic history, justify it?

Does the mythological madness of the promised land justify all this??

And does the occupation of Palestinian territories justify the violence of Hamas?

What else must happen for what has happened and is happening in the Middle East, and its continuous horror, to be defined as the fruit of different and convergent collective mental pathologies and the political leaders of both sides to be interned in a madhouse?

                                              (scritto il 22/1/24)








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