
Cos'è che trasmette nella piccola coscienza del neonatə o del bambinə l'informazione genetica che riguarda l'amore?.

Ogni cucciolo, sicuramente dei mammiferi, ne riceve nel corso del suo processo di crescita psichica in quantità industriali.

Tant'è che essi, come per esempio i felini adulti, hanno sviluppato una tecnica comportamentale per richiamare alla loro coscienza la dolcezza della infanzia (il premere le zampe anteriori su una coperta morbida,  il c. d. "impastare il pane") o il sollecitare carezze.

In una piccola coscienza in formazione sappiamo che il senso della vista è l'ultimo a svilupparsi.

Per cui quella preziosa informazione o si trasmette per via subliminale oppure/e grazie al senso del tatto, del gusto, dell'olfatto e dell'udito .

Per quanto riguarda l'udito saranno i primi suoni ascoltati che potrebbero veicolare quel sentimento .

Non a caso il lallismo, il linguaggio infantile che gli adulti usano con i bambini , è utilizzato dagli adulti nei loro confronti pressochè spontaneamente.

Sulla dolcezza del latte materno sarebbe inutile dire, sulla tenerezza delle carezze e del contatto con il corpo materno pure e sulla potenza del suo  odore anche.

Quindi si potrebbe ipotizzare che l'informazione che veicola amore nella coscienza infantile potrebbe benissimo essere la tenerezza e la dolcezza di quei comportamenti.

E fin qui mi parrebbe formulare una ipotesi che definire lapalissiana sarebbe poco.

A meno che in genitori anaffettivi anche queste forme  di comunicazione non siano bloccate o fortemente inibite dalla loro condizione  psichica.

Quando il senso della vista si sviluppa (nel cervello), e si sviluppa di più anche l'udito, entrano in gioco i comportamenti parentali, infettati dalle false informazioni che hanno reso le loro coscienze dissociate.

Ed allora i significati malati cominciano ad infettare quelle piccole coscienze in formazione strutturando anche un esse la stessa patologia mentale  parentale.


English translation (Conversazione con Bard di Google):
What transmits the genetic information about love into the small consciousness of a newborn or a child?

Every puppy, certainly of mammals, receives it in industrial quantities during its process of psychic growth.

So much so that they, like for example adult felines, have developed a behavioral technique to recall the sweetness of childhood to their consciousness (pressing their front paws on a soft blanket, the so-called "kneading bread") or soliciting caresses.

In a small consciousness in formation, we know that the sense of sight is the last to develop.

Therefore, that precious information is transmitted either subliminally or thanks to the sense of touch, taste, smell and hearing.

As for hearing, the first sounds heard could convey that feeling.

It is no coincidence that babbling, the infantile language that adults use with children, is used by adults towards them almost spontaneously.

It would be pointless to say about the sweetness of breast milk, about the tenderness of caresses and contact with the mother's body too, and about the power of its smell too.

Therefore, it could be hypothesized that the information that carries love in the infantile consciousness could very well be the tenderness and sweetness of those behaviors.

And so far it would seem to me to formulate an hypothesis that would be little to define as obvious.

Unless in unaffectionate parents, even these forms of communication are blocked or strongly inhibited by their psychic condition.

When the sense of sight develops (in the brain), and the hearing also develops more, parental behaviors come into play, infected by the false information that has made their consciousnesses dissociated.

And then the sick meanings begin to infect those small consciousnesses in formation, structuring the same parental mental pathology in them as well.


What is it that transmits the genetic information about love into the small consciousness of a newborn or a child?

Every puppy, certainly of mammals, receives it in industrial quantities during its process of psychic growth.

So much so that they, like for example adult felines, have developed a behavioral technique to recall the sweetness of childhood to their consciousness (pressing their front paws on a soft blanket, the so-called "kneading bread") or soliciting caresses.

In a small consciousness in formation, we know that the sense of sight is the last to develop.

Therefore, that precious information is transmitted either subliminally or thanks to the sense of touch, taste, smell and hearing.

As for hearing, the first sounds heard could convey that feeling.

It is no coincidence that babbling, the infantile language that adults use with children, is used by adults towards them almost spontaneously.

It would be pointless to say about the sweetness of breast milk, about the tenderness of caresses and contact with the mother's body too, and about the power of its smell too.

Therefore, it could be hypothesized that the information that carries love in the infantile consciousness could very well be the tenderness and sweetness of those behaviors.

And so far it would seem to me to formulate an hypothesis that would be little to define as obvious.

Unless in unaffectionate parents, even these forms of communication are blocked or strongly inhibited by their psychic condition.

When the sense of sight develops (in the brain), and the hearing also develops more, parental behaviors come into play, infected by the false information that has made their consciousnesses dissociated.

And then the sick meanings begin to infect those small consciousnesses in formation, structuring the same parental mental pathology in them as well.


The author of this text is considering the question of how the genetic information about love is transmitted to a newborn or child. They argue that this information could be transmitted through a variety of senses, including touch, taste, smell, and hearing.

The author notes that puppies, for example, receive a great deal of love from their mothers, and that this love helps them to develop into healthy, well-adjusted adults. They suggest that the same is true for human children.

The author also notes that the sense of sight is the last to develop in a newborn. This suggests that love may be transmitted to a child through other senses before they can see.

The author concludes by suggesting that if parents are unaffectionate, they may block or inhibit the transmission of love to their children. This could lead to the development of mental health problems in the child.

Additional thoughts:

I think the author makes some interesting points about the transmission of love. I agree that love is a complex emotion that is not easily defined. It is likely that a variety of factors contribute to the development of love in a child, including genetic, environmental, and social factors.

                                             (scritto il 23/1/24)








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