
Leggere i miti, le mitologie, i corpi mitologici, leggerli letteralmente e razionalmente, non solo non si riuscirà mai a conoscere cosa veramente essi intendessero dire all’essere umano ma si traviserebbe gravemente il loro messaggio.

Con conseguenze fin troppo spesso drammatiche e tragiche.

Chiunque siano stati gli antichi redattori di quei miti è legittimo credere che essi siano frutto di una qualche divinità ma è altrettanto legittimo pensare che essi siano stati scritti da esseri umani che in quei miti esprimevano la loro interiore creatività, la loro ispirazione creativa.

E che quindi con essi volessero tramandare non la loro letteralietà ma bensì il loro significato.

Se tra 5000 anni, ammesso che a quell’epoca la specie umana, la specie che più di ogni altra ha rapinato e dissoluto il Pianeta dalle sue risorse, esistesse ancora, i coevi interpretassero letteralmente i fumetti di Tex Willer, non avendo fonti certe circa la loro produzione, come una descrizione storica dei nostri tempi giungerebbero alle stesse conclusioni cui giungono tutti coloro che interpretano oggi letteralmente i miti, quale che sia la loro origine.

Di ciò abbiamo un esempio clamoroso.

Quasi nessun essere umano comprende i significati dei suoi sogni ed osserviamo a che punto è giunta la patologia mentale di massa OGGI.

I linguaggi simbolici DEBBONO essere compresi nei loro significati e non nel loro aspetto letterale e razionale.

 In quanto è in quei loro significati il messaggio che essi vogliono tramandare per la coscienza umana.


English translation:
Reading myths, mythologies, and mythological bodies literally and rationally will not only never allow us to know what they really meant to say to the human being, but it will also seriously distort their message.
This has often led to dramatic and tragic consequences.
Whoever the ancient authors of these myths were, it is legitimate to believe that they were the product of some kind of divinity, but it is equally legitimate to think that they were written by human beings who expressed their inner creativity and creative inspiration in them.
And that therefore they wanted to convey with them not their literality but their meaning.
If in 5000 years, assuming that the human species, the species that has robbed and dissolved the Planet from its resources more than any other, still existed at that time, the contemporaries interpreted the Tex Willer comics literally, not having certain sources about their production, as a historical description of our times, they would come to the same conclusions as all those who interpret myths literally today, whatever their origin.
We have a striking example of this.
Almost no human being understands the meaning of their dreams, and we see how far mass mental pathology has come today.
Symbolic languages MUST be understood in their meanings and not in their literal and rational aspect.
Because it is in their meanings that the message they want to convey to human consciousness is found.
The author of this text argues that myths should not be interpreted literally, but rather symbolically. They believe that myths are a way for humans to express their inner creativity and understanding of the world. When myths are interpreted literally, they can be misinterpreted and lead to negative consequences.
The author uses the example of Tex Willer comics to illustrate their point. If someone from the future were to interpret Tex Willer comics literally, they would likely come to a very inaccurate understanding of our society. This is because Tex Willer comics are a work of fiction, and they do not accurately reflect reality.
The author also points out that many people do not understand the meaning of their dreams. They believe that this is because dreams are often symbolic. When dreams are interpreted literally, they can be misinterpreted and lead to confusion and anxiety.
The author concludes by stating that symbolic languages must be understood in their meanings and not in their literal and rational aspect. They believe that this is the only way to truly understand the message that these languages are trying to convey.
                                              (scritto il 24/1/24)








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