
Nulla diverso da ciò che succederebbe se un padre e/o una madre fossero coscienti di Sé, anche se di ciò non consapevoli.

Crescerebbero i loro figli con la dedizione del buon padre di famiglia e/o della buona madre di famiglia come chiunque altro.

Con la differenza che la loro comunicazione spontanea nei confronti dei figli li aiuterebbe, inconsapevolmente per tutti, nel loro percorso di crescita psichica durante l’infanzia e l’adolescenza.

Comunicazione coadiuvata dalla comunicazione subliminale spontanea del transfert e del controtransfert.

Nulla di diverso, ancora, da ciò che succede spontaneamente in ogni specie animale i cui cuccioli sviluppano la loro crescita psichica completa grazie ai genitori che li allevano.

Crescita psichica completa indispensabile per la loro sopravvivenza nella età adulta.

Nulla di diverso,ancora, di ciò che succede tra maestro buddista ed allievo quando nel corso della comune meditazione i meccanismi di comunicazione subliminali (transfert e controtransfert) trasferiscono conoscenza da un inconscio e da una coscienza all'altra.


English translation:

Nothing different from what would happen if a father and/or mother were conscious of themselves, even if they were not aware of it. They would raise their children with the dedication of a good father or mother, like anyone else. The difference is that their spontaneous communication with their children would help them, unconsciously for everyone, in their journey of psychic growth during childhood and adolescence. Communication assisted by the spontaneous subliminal communication of transference and countertransference. Nothing different, still, from what happens spontaneously in every animal species whose cubs develop their complete psychic growth thanks to the parents who raise them. Complete psychic growth essential for their survival in adulthood.


The passage is about the importance of parental awareness for the psychic development of children. The author argues that even if parents are not consciously aware of their own awareness, their spontaneous communication with their children can still have a positive impact. This communication is facilitated by the subliminal communication of transference and countertransference, which are unconscious processes that occur between two people who are in a close relationship.

The author compares the relationship between parents and children to the relationship between parents and cubs in the animal kingdom. In both cases, the parents provide the children with the love, care, and support they need to develop their full potential.


The passage suggests that parental awareness is an important factor in the psychic development of children. By being aware of themselves, parents can create a more supportive and nurturing environment for their children.

Nothing different, still, from what happens between a Buddhist master and a disciple when, during the course of common meditation, the mechanisms of subliminal communication (transference and countertransference) transfer knowledge from one unconscious to another and from one consciousness to another.


This passage is about the importance of subliminal communication in the relationship between a Buddhist master and a disciple. The author argues that the master's unconscious can communicate with the disciple's unconscious through the mechanisms of transference and countertransference. This communication can help the disciple to develop their own awareness and to achieve enlightenment.

The passage compares the relationship between a Buddhist master and a disciple to the relationship between a parent and a child. In both cases, the more aware the teacher is, the more they can help the student to grow.

Specific translation:

The phrase "Nulla di diverso,ancora, di ciò che succede tra maestro buddista ed allievo" (Nothing different, still, from what happens between a Buddhist master and a disciple) suggests that the relationship between a Buddhist master and a disciple is similar to the other relationships described in the passage.

The phrase "quando nel corso della comune meditazione i meccanismi di comunicazione subliminali (transfert e controtransfert) trasferiscono conoscenza da un inconscio e da una coscienza all'altra" (when, during the course of common meditation, the mechanisms of subliminal communication (transference and countertransference) transfer knowledge from one unconscious to another and from one consciousness to another) is the key phrase in the passage. It suggests that the subliminal communication between a Buddhist master and a disciple is a powerful tool for transmitting knowledge and wisdom.

The phrase "da un inconscio e da una coscienza all'altra" (from one unconscious to another and from one consciousness to another) suggests that the communication is not just one-way. The disciple can also learn from the master's unconscious, and the master can learn from the disciple's consciousness.

In conclusion, this passage suggests that the relationship between a Buddhist master and a disciple is a powerful and transformative relationship.

                                               (scritto il 26/1/24)








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