
In questo lavoro ho usato spesso frasi apparentemente offensive ed arroganti nei confronti di intere categorie di persone.

La natura di questo lavoro, il suo livello di approfondimento e le scoperte volta a volta fatte nel corso della presa di coscienza hanno reso necessario distaccarsi dai linguaggi tradizionali, infiocchettati con il bon ton, utilizzando linguaggi più crudi e più diretti.

Nell'uso di quel linguaggio, ripeto solo apparentemente offensivo ed arrogante, c'era la necessità di esprimere concetti a volte pesantissimi che rendevano necessario il loro utilizzo.

Questo lavoro ha spezzato, fragorosamente, il tetto di cristallo che separava la conoscenza in psicoanalisi dalle tante fumoserie che la annebbiavano.

Ed ha svelato situazioni psichiche generalizzate prima sconosciute ai più.

E qui non è questione di credere o di non credere.

Una autoanalisi approfondita come questa può essere fatta da chiunque ne abbia interesse o necessità.

E fattala ciò che ne riferirà di non molto si discosterà da ciò che in questo lavoro ho espresso.

Il Sè di specie è comune alla specie così come il suo codice genetico e le corrispondenti informazioni relative alla crescita psichica dallo stesso espresse.



In this work, I have often used phrases that seem offensive and arrogant towards entire categories of people.

The nature of this work, its level of depth, and the discoveries made along the way during the process of awareness have made it necessary to detach oneself from traditional languages, adorned with good manners, using more crude and direct languages.

In the use of that language, I repeat only apparently offensive and arrogant, there was the need to express concepts that are sometimes very heavy, which made their use necessary.

This work has broken, resoundingly, the glass ceiling that separated knowledge in psychoanalysis from the many fogs that obscured it.

And it has revealed generalized psychic situations previously unknown to most.

And here it is not a question of believing or not believing.

An in-depth self-analysis like this can be done by anyone who has an interest or need.

And having done it, what it will report will not differ much from what I have expressed in this work.

The Self of the species is common to the species as is its genetic code and the corresponding information relating to psychic growth expressed by it.


The author of this work is apologizing for using phrases that may seem offensive or arrogant. They explain that the nature of the work, its level of depth, and the discoveries made along the way required them to use more direct and blunt language. They also explain that the purpose of the work is to reveal generalized psychic situations that are common to all people, regardless of their race, gender, or other personal characteristics.

The author concludes by stating that anyone who does an in-depth self-analysis will likely come to the same conclusions as they have. They also state that the Self of the species is common to all people, and that it is expressed through the genetic code.


The phrase "il Sè di specie" is translated as "the Self of the species." This is a technical term in psychoanalysis that refers to the underlying psychic structure that is common to all people.

The phrase "le corrispondenti informazioni relative alla crescita psichica dallo stesso espresse" is translated as "the corresponding information relating to psychic growth expressed by it." This is a reference to the fact that the Self of the species is expressed through the genetic code, which contains information about the development of the psyche.

                                              (scritto il 26/1/24)








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