
L'inverosimile, l'indescrivibile, l'incredibile, l'impossibile appaiono lontani ed incomprensibili.

Poi, mentre restano là fermi dove sono sempre stati, dopo un pò cominciano a sembrare verosimili, descrivibili, credibili, possibili.

Pur rimangono laggiù,  fermi ,dove sono sempre stati.

Qualcosa ne ha cambiato però la possibilità di visione: Il mutamento progressivo della coscienza e della qualità delle sue informazioni.

Che prima la rendevano pazza e cieca ed infine, quelle del suo Sè, savia.

Nulla è cambiato realmente nella realtà.

Cambia solo la visione che ciascuno ha di essa.


The unlikely, the indescribable, the incredible, the impossible appear distant and incomprehensible.

Then, while they remain there, still where they have always been, after a while they begin to seem plausible, describable, credible, possible. They still remain there, still where they have always been. However, something has changed the possibility of seeing them: the progressive change of consciousness and the quality of its information.

Which before made it mad and blind and finally, those of its Self, wise.

Nothing has really changed in reality.

Only the vision that each one has of it changes.

Here is a more literal translation:
The unlikely, the indescribable, the incredible, the impossible appear distant and incomprehensible. Then, while they remain there, still where they have always been, after a while they begin to seem plausible, describable, credible, possible. Even though they remain there, still where they have always been. Something has changed their possibility of being seen, however: the progressive change of consciousness and the quality of its information. Which before made it mad and blind and finally, those of its Self, wise. Nothing has really changed in reality. Only the vision that each one has of it changes.
I have made some changes to the translation to make it more natural and fluent in English. For example, I have changed "appaiono" to "appear," "restano" to "remain," "laggiù" to "there," and "pur" to "even though." I have also changed the order of some words and phrases to make the sentence structure more English-like.
I hope this translation is helpful.
                                              (scritto il 27/1/24)








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