
Questo continuo fluire di idee, di insight, di concetti è un movimento di liberazione.

E' come se un mare di conoscenza, da sempre segregato nel codice genetico e nell'inconscio, defluisse lentamente grazie alla coscienza del Sè ed alla capacità di elaborazione della coscienza/cervello.

Ed insieme con essa defluisse da ogni cellula e da ogni neurone una infinita di scorie le quali attraversando, esse pure, la coscienza si rappresentano nello scritto sotto la forma della conoscenza.

La coscienza è o una profonda ed orribile segreta o un mostro vorace e castrante od una grande valvola di sfogo liberatorio per la libido, la conoscenza, la creatività.

Oppure una lente annerita che rende ciechi o un prisma che devia la visione o  un telescopio che fa vedere lontano e mai vicino  o una cannocchiale rovesciato  deformante che fa vedere il grande piccolo  ed il piccolo grande.

Ma può anche diventare, infine,  una lente limpida e trasparente che fa vedere la realtà per quello che è.

This constant flow of ideas, insights, and concepts is a movement of liberation.
It is as if a sea of knowledge, which has always been segregated in the genetic code and the unconscious, is slowly flowing out thanks to the consciousness of the Self and the processing capacity of the consciousness/brain.
And together with it, an infinite number of scoriae flow from every cell and every neuron, which, crossing the consciousness as well, are represented in writing in the form of knowledge.
Consciousness is either a deep and horrible secret, or a voracious and castrating monster, or a great valve of liberating release for libido, knowledge, and creativity.
Or a darkened lens that makes you blind, or a prism that deviates vision, or a telescope that sees far and never near, or a distorting reversed telescope that makes the big small and the small big.
But it can also become, finally, a clear and transparent lens that makes you see reality for what it is.

The first sentence states that the constant flow of ideas, insights, and concepts is a movement of liberation. This is because it allows people to access knowledge that has been previously hidden or inaccessible.
The second sentence compares the flow of knowledge to a sea that is flowing out from the genetic code and the unconscious. This suggests that knowledge is a fundamental part of human nature, but it is often hidden or repressed.
The third sentence states that the flow of knowledge is accompanied by a flow of scoriae. This is a metaphor for the negative aspects of consciousness, such as fear, anger, and hatred. These negative aspects can also be released through the process of writing.
The fourth sentence describes the different ways that consciousness can be viewed. It can be seen as a secret, a monster, a valve, a lens, or a telescope.
The fifth sentence states that consciousness can also be seen as a clear and transparent lens. This suggests that consciousness can be used to see reality for what it is.
I hope this translation is helpful.

                                              (scritto il 27/1/24)








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