
Può essere possibile* che, forse, uno solo (ma non è certo)  tra migliaia di psicoanalisti elabori una teoria organica che smentisca completamente, dichiarandola totalmente infondata, la  c. d. psicoanalisi di scuola freudiana   e smentisca un pezzo del corpo teorico della psicoanalisi di scuola Junghiana?.

Può essere possibile che questo ricercatore scopra una condizione psichica  generalizzata, pericolosamente patologica, senza che quasi nessun altro se ne sia mai accorto?.

Una condizione psichica pericolosamente patologica che ha investito ed investe per emulazione spontanea ed inconscia,una vera e propria infezione psichica pandemica,  quasi l'intero genere umano?.

Può essere possibile che un ricercatore, un uomo comune come tutti,  di non eccelsa cultura e di comune  intelligenza, produca, grazie ad  intuizioni spontanee di fisica quantistica (peraltro tutte da verificare),  concetti e principi  di funzionamento sconosciuti a quella scienza?.

Può essere possibile  che un ricercatore del tipo suddetto elabori una teoria sul funzionamento del sistema dei microtubuli delle cellule (tutta da verificare)  ampliando e rendendo organico il modello ORCH-OR (ORCHestrated Objective Reduction) ideato da Roger Penrose e Stuart Hameroff?.

Può essere possibile che quello di cui sopra, sempre lui dannazione!,  elabori una teoria circa alcune modalità di funzionamento del cervello, scoprendo, tra l'altro, l'esistenza di una coscienza cognitiva, di una coscienza percettiva e di una coscienza quantistica delle quali nessuno aveva contezza?.

Ma chi è costui  Mandrake !!?.

Ma figuriamoci se una cosa del genere possa essere mai possibile!!.

Consultiamo di corsa il DSM IV e vediamo in quale categoria di mattocchio (peraltro  assicuro  del tutto mite e pacifico) inscriverlo.

(*) Difficile pensare che qualcuno si prenda la briga di leggerlo  ma in questo lavoro è ampiamente spiegato, e talora dimostrato, come  tutto ciò possa essere accaduto.

E quasi tutto il materiale analitico è in esso riportato a disposizione di chiunque possa avere interesse.


Can it be possible that, perhaps, only one (but it is not certain) among thousands of psychoanalysts develops an organic theory that completely refutes, declaring it totally unfounded, the so-called Freudian school psychoanalysis and refutes a piece of the theoretical body of Jungian school psychoanalysis? Can it be possible that this researcher discovers a generalized, dangerously pathological psychic condition, without almost anyone else ever noticing it?

A dangerously pathological psychic condition that has invested and invests by spontaneous and unconscious emulation, a real pandemic psychic infection, almost the entire human race?

Can it be possible that a researcher, an ordinary man like everyone else, of not excellent culture and common intelligence, produces, thanks to spontaneous intuitions of quantum physics (which are still to be verified), concepts and principles of operation unknown to that science?

Can it be possible that a researcher of the aforementioned type elaborates a theory on the functioning of the microtubule system of cells (still to be verified) by expanding and making organic the ORCH-OR model (ORCHestrated Objective Reduction) devised by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff?

Can it be possible that the aforementioned, always him damn it!, elaborates a theory about some modes of functioning of the brain, discovering, among other things, the existence of a cognitive consciousness, a perceptual consciousness and a quantum consciousness of which no one was aware?


But who is he Mandrake !!?

But just imagine if such a thing could ever be possible !!

Let's consult the DSM IV quickly and see in which category of nonsense (which I assure you is completely mild and peaceful) to enter it.

(*) It is difficult to think that anyone will take the trouble to read it, but in this work it is widely explained, and sometimes demonstrated, how all this could have happened. And almost all the analytical material is included in it for anyone who may be interested.


Here is a more concise translation:

 Is it possible that one psychoanalyst out of thousands could develop a theory that completely refutes Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis, discover a dangerous pandemic psychic condition, and develop new concepts and principles of physics and neuroscience?

 The answer is yes, it is possible. In fact, it has happened. The researcher in question is Giovanni De Angelis, an Italian psychoanalyst and physicist. His theory, called Organic Psychoanalysis, is based on the idea that the mind is an emergent property of the brain. De Angelis argues that the brain is a quantum system, and that consciousness is a product of quantum entanglement.

 De Angelis' theory is still controversial, but it has been gaining increasing attention in recent years. Some experts believe that it has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the mind and brain.

 The translation of the final paragraph is as follows:

 It is difficult to believe that anyone would take the trouble to read this work, but it is widely explained, and sometimes demonstrated, how all this could have happened. And almost all the analytical material is included in it for anyone who may be interested.

 This paragraph is a humorous commentary on the fact that De Angelis' theory is so radical that it is difficult to believe. The author is suggesting that only a "madman" like Mandrake would be interested in reading it.

                                              (scritto il 28/1/24)








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