
Sogno del 28/1: C’ è un campo di grano maturo che deve essere mietuto e ci sono un sacco di bambini entusiasti che mi abbracciano, sono contenti di vedermi, giocano con me ,ecc.

Avendo fatto questo lavoro è maturo il momento di, da esso, raccogliere i frutti. Ma non da me, ma da tutti i bambini (che perciò  gioiscono e mi  fanno la festa nel sogno)  che eviteranno il dolore e la sofferenza dell'imprinting infantile, grazie a genitori finalmente responsabili e psichicamente adulti.


Dream of 1/28: There is a ripe wheat field that needs to be harvested and there are a lot of enthusiastic children who hug me, are happy to see me, play with me, etc. Having done this work, it is time to reap the fruits from it. But not by me, but by all the children (who therefore rejoice and celebrate with me in the dream) who will avoid the pain and suffering of childhood imprinting, thanks to finally responsible and psychologically adult parents.



 Dream of 1/28: There is a ripe wheat field that needs to be harvested. There are many enthusiastic children who hug me, are happy to see me, and play with me.

 After doing this work, it is time to reap the benefits. However, the benefits will not be reaped by me, but by all the children (who are therefore joyful and celebrate with me in the dream). These children will avoid the pain and suffering of childhood imprinting, thanks to finally responsible and psychologically mature parents.

                                                 (scritto il 28/1/24)








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