
Il legame, il ponte, lo snodo tra lo psichico e l’organico passa, forse (Ah! Saperlo!), tra due ipotesi possibili e forse anche no.

Secondo la prima l’informazione falsa, assunta dall’imprinting infantile, che nega, in quel punto, in quel neurone, il Sé del soggetto entra in conflitto con l’informazione che definisce geneticamente il Sé innata in quel neurone, e genera in esso una “infiammazione”.

Uno o più elettroni delle molecole che quel neurone costituiscono si sovreccitano e mandano informazioni quantistiche alle corrispondenti molecole ed elettroni dell’organo bersaglio.

Generando in esso e nelle sue cellule, sintomi e patologie di varia natura e gravità.

Secondo la seconda il legame, il ponte, lo snodo tra lo psichico e l’organico passa per i/il microtubulo di ciascun neurone.

Con un processo simile al precedente.

Due ipotesi, per quello che valgono.

    .                                              (scritto il 6/2/24)


English Translation:

The link, the bridge, the connection between the psychic and the organic passes, perhaps (Ah! To know!), between two possible hypotheses, and maybe not.

According to the first, false information, assumed from childhood imprinting, which denies, at that point, in that neuron, the Self of the subject, comes into conflict with the information that genetically defines the innate Self in that neuron, and generates an "inflammation" in it.

One or more electrons of the molecules that constitute that neuron become overexcited and send quantum information to the corresponding molecules and electrons of the target organ.

Generating in it and in its cells, symptoms and pathologies of various nature and severity.

According to the second, the link, the bridge, the connection between the psychic and the organic passes through the microtubule of each neuron.

With a process similar to the previous one.

Two hypotheses, for what they are worth.

Additional notes:

The word "imprinting" is used in English in the context of psychology and biology to refer to the process by which an organism's behavior is shaped by early experiences.

The word "microtubule" refers to a small, hollow tube-shaped structure that is found in the cytoskeleton of cells. Microtubules are involved in a variety of cellular functions, including cell division, cell shape maintenance, and intracellular transport.

The word "quantum information" refers to information that is encoded in the quantum state of a system, such as the spin of an electron or the polarization of a photon. Quantum information can be used to perform tasks that are impossible with classical information, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography.

I hope this translation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.









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