
Non bisognerebbe  confondere la severità dei sintomi espressi dalla follia manifesta con la gravità della corrispondente patologia mentale.

Esistono in natura, nella natura umana, in individui apparentemente "normali", casi di patologia mentale gravissime ai quali corrispondono sintomi nevrotici banali e/o patologie organiche più o meno severe.

E ciò grazie alla capacità di compensazione e di adattamento secondario del cervello.

   .                                              (scritto il 6/2/24)


Sure, here is the translation of the Italian text you provided:

One should not confuse the severity of the symptoms expressed by manifest madness with the seriousness of the corresponding mental illness.

There exist in nature, in human nature, in apparently "normal" individuals, cases of very serious mental illness which correspond to banal neurotic symptoms and/or more or less severe organic pathologies.

And this is thanks to the brain's capacity for compensation and secondary adaptation.

Here is a more detailed translation of each sentence:

Non bisognerebbe confondere la severità dei sintomi espressi dalla follia manifesta con la gravità della corrispondente patologia mentale.

This sentence means that we should not confuse the severity of the symptoms of manifest madness with the seriousness of the underlying mental illness. In other words, just because someone is exhibiting severe symptoms of madness does not mean that they have a serious mental illness. There are many cases of people who have very serious mental illnesses but who do not exhibit any outward signs of madness.

Esistono in natura, nella natura umana, in individui apparentemente "normali", casi di patologia mentale gravissime ai quali corrispondono sintomi nevrotici banali e/o patologie organiche più o meno severe.

This sentence means that there exist in nature, in human nature, in apparently "normal" individuals, cases of very serious mental illness which correspond to banal neurotic symptoms and/or more or less severe organic pathologies. In other words, there are many cases of people who have very serious mental illnesses but who do not exhibit any outward signs of madness. These people may have banal neurotic symptoms, such as anxiety or depression, or they may have more or less severe organic pathologies, such as a brain tumor or a stroke.

E ciò grazie alla capacità di compensazione e di adattamento secondario del cervello.

This sentence means that the brain's capacity for compensation and secondary adaptation allows people with very serious mental illnesses to function relatively normally in society. In other words, the brain can often compensate for the damage caused by mental illness, allowing people to live relatively normal lives.

I hope this translation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.








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