
Non riporto, per rispetto della privacy del soggetto, il testo delle due poesie.

Ne riferisco però l'interpretazione:

Nella prima si rappresenta l'abbandono, il distacco, il superamento della coscienza  infantile, così come strutturata, dissociata,  dall'imprinting.

Nella seconda rappresenta invece l’inizio del riconoscimento e dell'accettazione dei contenuti istintuali del Sè del soggetto, fin qui intensamente odiati dalla coscienza.

    .                                              (scritto il 7/2/24)

English translation:

Out of respect for the subject's privacy, I will not reproduce the text of the two poems.

However, I will provide an interpretation:

The first poem represents the abandonment, detachment, and overcoming of the infantile consciousness, as it is structured, dissociated, and imprinted.

The second poem, on the other hand, represents the beginning of the recognition and acceptance of the subject's instinctual Self-contents, which have hitherto been intensely hated by the consciousness.

Here is a more detailed interpretation of each poem:

First poem:

The poem begins with the speaker describing a feeling of emptiness and loss.

They say that they have lost something precious, but they cannot quite remember what it is.

They then go on to describe a feeling of being disconnected from the world around them.

They feel like they are watching life from a distance, as if they are not really there.

The poem ends with the speaker saying that they are finally free from the past.

They have let go of their old identity and are ready to start a new chapter in their life.

Second poem:

The poem begins with the speaker describing a feeling of being trapped.

They feel like they are being held back by something, but they cannot quite figure out what it is.

They then go on to describe a feeling of anger and frustration.

They feel like they are fighting against something, but they are not sure what it is.

The poem ends with the speaker saying that they have finally broken free.

They have accepted their instinctual Self-contents and are now whole.

I hope this interpretation is helpful.









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