
Si può affermare con una certa sicurezza che, quale che siano le informazioni di merda con le quali l'imprinting infantile ottunde le coscienze infantili e quale che sia la lingua ed il linguaggio utilizzato,  il risultato è sempre  lo stesso :Una coscienza dissociata  più o meno afflitta da uno o più complessi di castrazione, più  o meno malata,  a seconda della distanza, comunque sempre tantissima, di quelle informazioni dalla reale natura del Sè dell'individuo.

Gli effetti di ciò, i svariatissimi sintomi e patologie, i tratti caratteriali più o meno folli, le personalità tra le più svariate immaginabili di quella condizione psichica malata SONO SOLO l'effetto, la rappresentazione, la commedia e a volte la tragedia.

Sono solo la rappresentazione variamente articolata che la potenza elaborativa del cervello ha  trovato per esprimere come che può  il suo DRAMMA.

    .                                              (scritto il 8/2/24)

English Translation:

It can be stated with a certain degree of certainty that, regardless of the shitty information with which childhood imprinting dulls children's consciences and regardless of the language and terminology used, the result is always the same: a dissociated conscience more or less afflicted by one or more castration complexes, more or less sick, depending on the distance, always considerable, between that information and the real nature of the individual's Self.

The effects of this, the various symptoms and pathologies, the more or less crazy character traits, the most varied personalities imaginable of that sick psychic condition are ONLY the effect, the representation, the comedy and sometimes the tragedy.

They are only the variously articulated representation that the brain's processing power has found to express its DRAMA as best it can.


The word "merda" is a strong Italian word that can be translated as "shit" or "bullshit" in English. I have chosen to use the word "shitty" in my translation as it is more informal and conveys the same meaning.

The word "castrazione" can be translated as "castration" in English. However, in this context, it is more likely to refer to a psychological castration, rather than a physical one. I have therefore chosen to leave the word untranslated.

The word "dramma" can be translated as "drama" or "tragedy" in English. In this context, it is likely to refer to the inner turmoil and suffering that is experienced by people with a dissociated conscience. I have therefore chosen to use the word "drama" in my translation.

I hope this translation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions.










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