.               .

Hanno due facce.

La prima si manifesta in forma simbolica nei comportamenti (che della dipendenza psichica metadicono) e la seconda produce i suoi effetti a livello neurologico.

Per esempio il tabagismo metadice di sè a livello di comportamento coatto e con la nicotina produce effetti di dipendenza al livello neurologico. 

E lo stesso dicasi per l’alcolismo, la ludopatia, le tossicodipendenze in generale, le dipendenze sessuali, ecc.

Ed a ciascun comportamento coatto corrisponde un corrispondente effetto mutageno a livello neurologico.

E talora non solo.

    .                                              (scritto il 8/2/24)


English Translation:

They have two faces.

The first manifests itself in a symbolic form in behaviors (which meta-communicate about psychic addiction) and the second produces its effects at a neurological level.

For example, smoking meta-communicates about itself at the level of compulsive behavior and with nicotine produces addictive effects at the neurological level.

The same can be said for alcoholism, gambling addiction, drug addiction in general, sexual addiction, etc.

And to each compulsive behavior corresponds a corresponding mutagenic effect at the neurological level.

And sometimes not only that.


The word "meta-comunicare" can be translated as "meta-communicate" in English. In this context, it refers to the way in which a behavior or symptom communicates something about a deeper underlying issue.

The word "mutageno" can be translated as "mutagenic" in English. In this context, it refers to something that can cause changes in DNA, which can lead to cancer or other genetic disorders.

I hope this translation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions.








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