.               .

I meccanismi della psiche per quanto ci si sforzi di comprenderli intuitivamente, grazie ai sogni e razionalmente grazie alle conoscenze scientifiche fin  qui acquisite, hanno  comunque un margine di indeterminazione e di loro stupefacente interazione  nella realtà sensibile che  sfuggono a quelle capacità di capire.

Non mi stupisco però più di tanto.

La Fisica Quantistica, e quindi la Natura, ha nei suoi meccanismi un enorme margine di indeterminatezza rispetto alla capacità della mente umana.

Indeterminatezza (così ci appare oggi nel nostro limite) con la quale la mente umana non può competere.

In quanto limitata è la mente umana e limitata, DI CONSEGUENZA, sarà SEMPRE la possibilità di conoscere.

Checchè ne pensino gli atei, che con questa limitatezza che è NOSTRA e di tutti debbono confrontarsi , c'è un sacco di spazio per Dio nell'Universo.

       .                                              (scritto il 01/03/24)

The mechanisms of the psyche, no matter how hard we try to understand them intuitively, thanks to dreams, and rationally thanks to the scientific knowledge acquired so far, still have a margin of indeterminacy and of their astonishing interaction in the sensible reality that escape those capacities of understanding.

I am not surprised, however.

Quantum Physics, and therefore Nature, has in its mechanisms an enormous margin of indeterminacy compared to the capacity of the human mind.

Indeterminacy (as it appears to us today in our limit) with which the human mind cannot compete.

In so far as the human mind is limited, and consequently, the possibility of knowing will ALWAYS be limited.

Whatever atheists may think, who have to deal with this limitation that is OURS and everyone's, there is a lot of space for God in the Universe.

Here is a more natural-sounding translation:

The workings of the psyche, even with our best efforts to understand them intuitively through dreams and rationally through scientific knowledge, still have an element of uncertainty and surprising interaction with the physical world that we cannot fully comprehend.

This doesn't surprise me, though.

Quantum physics, and therefore nature itself, has an enormous margin of uncertainty compared to the capacity of the human mind.

This uncertainty (as it appears to us today in our limited state) is beyond the human mind's ability to grasp.

The human mind is limited, and therefore the ability to know will always be limited.

No matter what atheists think, who must confront this limitation that is OURS and everyone's, there is still plenty of room for God in the universe.

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.









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