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Tenuto conto dei complessi meccanismi di interazione inconsci tra le psiche umane è abbastanza ovvio che in una condizione di infezione psichica  (leggi di più o meno coscienze dissociate , leggi di più o meno diffusi potenti complessi di castrazione) prima o dopo nelle società democratiche spunti da qualche parte un leader che rappresenti, a fronte di quella condizione psichica di massa, una condizione psichica malata che tutte le riassume.

In peggio.

E questo leader sarà entusiasticamente sostenuto da quelle masse inconsce a tutto, a tutto inconsapevoli ed a  tutto incoscienti, le quali in quella patologia mentale di quel leader  si sentiranno rappresentati e rassicurati.

Ripeto non in quel leader ma in quella sua patologia mentale.

Confortati dalle tante forme di comunicazione di massa, sostenute da potenti interessi economici (questi elitari, in mano ad una minoranza economica) che "pompano" questi leader i quali fortemente li garantiscono contro le "velleità"  egualitaristiche dei lavoratori, dei poveri, dei deboli, ecc.(Ma come si permettono questi "straccioni"!!).

Le ideologie progressiste hanno perciò, per una infinità di motivi, sempre la strada in salita.

Non ultima i narcisismi individuali che ciecamente sospingono i vari leader progressisti verso la ottusa frammentazione ed i massimalismi di ogni genere.

        .                                              (scritto il 01/3/24)

Taking into account the complex mechanisms of unconscious interaction between human psyches, it is quite obvious that in a condition of psychic infection (read more or less dissociated consciousnesses, read more or less widespread powerful castration complexes) sooner or later in democratic societies a leader emerges from somewhere who represents, in the face of that mass psychic condition, a sick psychic condition that summarizes all of them.

For the worse.

And this leader will be enthusiastically supported by those unconscious masses, totally unaware and totally unconscious, who will feel represented and reassured in that mental pathology of that leader.

I repeat, not in that leader but in his mental pathology.

Comforted by the many forms of mass communication, supported by powerful economic interests (these elitist, in the hands of an economic minority) that "pump up" these leaders who strongly guarantee them against the "egalitarian" desires of the workers, the poor, the weak, etc. (But how dare these "rags"!!)

Progressive ideologies therefore have, for an infinite number of reasons, always an uphill road.

Not least the individual narcissisms that blindly push the various progressive leaders towards obtuse fragmentation and maximalisms of all kinds.

Here is a more natural-sounding translation:

Given the complex mechanisms of unconscious interaction between human psyches, it is clear that in democratic societies, a leader will eventually emerge who represents a sick psychic condition that summarizes the mass psychic condition of the people.

This leader will be enthusiastically supported by the unconscious masses, who will feel represented and reassured by his mental pathology.

These masses are unaware of their own unconsciousness, and they are comforted by the many forms of mass communication that support these leaders.

These leaders are supported by powerful economic interests, who guarantee them against the "egalitarian" desires of the workers, the poor, and the weak.

For an infinite number of reasons, progressive ideologies therefore have an uphill road.

Not least of these reasons are the individual narcissisms that blindly push the various progressive leaders towards obtuse fragmentation and maximalisms of all kinds.

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.









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