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Prima ipotesi:

Si tratta di un delirio!.

Tenuto conto della “consueta” follia della mente in un periodo di enorme lavorio della stessa (mai una coscienza è tanto UTILMENTE impegnata come nel corso della terapia e della autoanalisi) viene fuori un insight che fa capire (detto in sintesi) che i mutamenti quantici degli elettroni sono un linguaggio che interagisce e muta il nucleo dell’atomo e della molecola ed loro “comportamento”.


Seconda ipotesi:

Non è un delirio!.

La Natura spesso utilizza certi meccanismi che hanno funzionato ad un certo livello in livelli ed impieghi da esso lontanissimi.

La biologia e l’evoluzione comportamentale delle specie ce ne forniscono molti esempi.

E quel meccanismo quantistico  basilare potrebbe essere uno di quelli cui la Natura fa riferimento per impiegarlo in livelli diversi.

Nel senso che il meccanismo con il quale la coscienza malata muta grazie alle informazioni/significati veicolati dai linguaggi simbolici potrebbe essere una sua lontana “emulazione” evoluzionistica

Nella direzione “utilitaristica” che la Natura talora impiega.

        .                                              (scritto il 01/3/24)



First Hypothesis: It's a delusion! Considering the "usual" madness of the mind during a period of intense work (never is a consciousness so USEFULLY engaged as during therapy and self-analysis), an insight emerges that makes it clear (in short) that the quantum changes of electrons are a language that interacts with and changes the nucleus of the atom and the molecule and their "behavior."

Second Hypothesis: It's not a delusion! Nature often uses certain mechanisms that have worked at a certain level in levels and uses far removed from it. Biology and the behavioral evolution of species provide us with many examples of this. And that basic quantum mechanism could be one of those that Nature refers to in order to use it at different levels. In the sense that the mechanism by which the sick consciousness changes thanks to the information/meanings conveyed by symbolic languages could be a distant evolutionary "emulation" of it. In the "utilitarian" direction that Nature sometimes employs.

Additional Notes:

The author uses the word "delirio" which can be translated as "delusion" or "delirium." In this context, it seems that the author is using it to mean "a false or irrational belief."

The author also uses the word "insight" which can be translated as "a sudden understanding of a complex situation." In this context, it seems that the author is using it to mean "a realization."

The author uses the word "emulazione" which can be translated as "emulation" or "imitation." In this context, it seems that the author is using it to mean "a copy or imitation of something."

The author uses the word "utilitaristica" which can be translated as "utilitarian" or "pragmatic." In this context, it seems that the author is using it to mean "something that is useful or practical."

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.






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