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Sapienza inconscia della coscienza rispetto alle figure e dalle immagini piuttosto che ai segni delle parole scritte.

Le immagini di un quadro le capisce anche un analfabeta anche se non sa leggere il nome del quadro e dell’autore scritto in basso sulla cornice.

Saranno le “figure” dei sogni che addestrano alla loro esistenza la coscienza del dormiente?.

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Unconscious Wisdom of Consciousness Regarding Figures and Images Rather Than Written Word Signs

The unconscious wisdom of consciousness is more attuned to figures and images than to the signs of written words. Even an illiterate person can understand the images in a painting, even if they cannot read the name of the painting or the author written at the bottom of the frame.
Is it the "figures" of dreams that train the consciousness of the sleeper to their existence?

Additional Information:
The phrase "sapienza inconscia della coscienza" is a bit of a paradox, as it suggests that unconsciousness can be wise. However, it can be interpreted to mean that there is a part of our consciousness that is not always accessible to our rational mind. This unconscious part of our mind can be accessed through dreams, intuition, and other forms of non-rational thought.
The phrase "figure" can be used to refer to both physical images and symbolic representations. In the context of dreams, figures can often be interpreted as symbols of our unconscious thoughts and feelings.








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