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January 2024 February 2024 March  2024 April 2024   May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024
Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2024 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2024 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '24 Cronological indexes Apr-Giu Cronological Indexes Lug-Set Cronological indexes  Ot-Di '24


Putin and all the others. 02/08_1019_24      Attention and Perception Disorder (APD). 02/08_1018_24   Survival Strategies of the False Self. 02/08_1017_24   Cockroaches and Their Survival Strategies. 02/08_1016_24  
The False Self. 02/08_1015_24   Effective communication. 01/08_1014_24   Ego. 01/08_1013_24   Reversal. 01/08_1012_24  
Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019