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Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2024 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2024 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '24 Cronological indexes Apr-Giu Cronological Indexes Lug-Set Cronological indexes  Ot-Di '24


Return to sender.   20/09_1187_24 L'abacadora.  20/09_1186_24 The fear of the "black man".  20/09_1185_24 Profane and vulgar language.  19/09_1184_244
Leaving the field.  18/09_1183_24 Social systems and criminal systems.  18/09_1182_24 Dissociated consciousness. 18/09_1181_24 Reality.  16/09_1180_24
The four functions of consciousness.  15/09_1179_24 Rationality and intuition.  15/09_1178_24 "The elimination" of the castration complex.  15/09_1177_24 The second toilet door.  15/09_1176_24
Towards the end of the tunnel.  15/09_1175_24 Cleansed self-consciousness.  15/09_1174_24 Forced, somatized repression.  15/09_1173_24 Synchronicity phenomena.  15/09_1172_24
Panic attack.  15/09_1171_24 Expansion of experience.  14/09_1170_24 Mass-man.  14/09_1169_24 Elephant in the room.  1409_1168_24
The world of words.  14/09_1167_24 Words.  13/09_1166_24 Loss of addictions. 13/09_1165_24 Women, men and other animals.  13/09_1164_24
Pathological narcissism.  13/09_1163_24 Countertransference and the initiation of the growth processs.  13/09_1162_24 Block of the psychic evolution of the human species.  12/09_1161_24 It always happens like this, everyhere.   12/09_1160_24
Intrapsychic conflict.  12/09_1159_24 Dialectic.  12/09_1158_24 Toward the completition of individual growth process.  12/09_1157_24 Information/Meanings about  the Self.  12/09_1156_24
Stupidity and therapy.  12/09_1155_24 The Heart and Reason.   12/09_1154_24 The two power plants.    09/09_1153_24 The definitive inactivation of false information in the consciousness. _09/09_1152_24
Cleansing of the conscience.  09/09_1151_24 Lazzaro.  09/09_1150_24 The Odissey of Omero. 09/09_1149_24 Indeterminacy of Heisemberger.  09/09_1148_24
The reversal of cause and effect.  09/09_1147_24 Community LGBTQ+.  09/09_1146_24 Dictators.  09/09_1145_24 Masculin women , Effeminate men.  09/09_1144_24
That which...  08/09_1143_24 The conflict with the reality principle.  08/09_1142_24 Masculin women, Effeminate men.  07/09_1141_24 The dangerous communcation of the stupid leader.  07/09_1140_24
Social role of women.  07/09_1139_24 Growth process.  06/09_1138_24 Mother complex.  06/09_1137_24 What you take, what you give.  06/09_1136_24
Libido and blood sugar.  06/09_1135_24 Evolution.  06/09_1134_24 Quantum consciousness.  05/09_1133_24 Samsara.  05/09_1132_24
Craving, hatred and delusion.  04/09_1131_24 Buddism.  04/09_1130_24 Ihe Noble Eightfold Path and The Four Noble Truths.  04/09_1129_24 Static Nirvana, Non-static Nirvana.  04/09_1128_24
Nature of Nirvana.  04/09_1127_24 Verselets.  04/09_1126_24 The Path of Self.  04/09_1125_24 Always him, always her.  05/09_1132_24
A factory of unhappiness and pain.  04/09_1123_24 Character  traits.  03/09_1122_24 Subliminal interaction.  02/09_1121_24 After a transference dream.  02/09_1120_24
The farewell pass of genetic information from code to the unconscious.  01/09_1119_24 Awareness of the ego.  01/09_1118_24 Nothing ever disappears.  01/09_1117_24 Implacable hatred.  01/09_1116_24
Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019