The "INFLUENCE" of conflict
and in
conflict._29/12_1316 |
Faciamus experimentum in corpore vili. 29/12_1315 |
Interaction._29/12_1314 |
Friedrich Nietzsch._27/12_1313 |
Surprise!!._27/12_1312 |
And finally, even perceptual consciouness,
the hardest bone, has converted to the consciousness of MY Self. 27/12_1311 |
Libido._26/12_1310 |
Pedophilia._26/12_1309 |
Distinguish._25/12_1308 |
A.I._25/12_1307 |
Process of pychic growth. 26/12_1306 |
Queries about A.I. concerning neurons
(Google Bard app)._25/12_1305 |
Neurons and electrons. 25/12_1304 |
Psycotic intrusion, insight and orgasm. And
then there's electroshock. 25/12_1303 |
Infantile imprinting. 25/12_1302 |
A house is not just a house._25/12_1301 |
Dream function._25/12_1300 |
Intelligence._25/12_1299 |
Belief._25/12_1298 |
The sick need, the deviated need. 25/12_1297 |
Argentina._25/12_1296 |
Ours are coming!!._25/12_1295 |
Why twenty-three years of introspection. 25/12_1294 |
consider it politics. 25/12_1293 |
Lettonia. 24/12_1292 |
The last stage of the research?. 24/12_1291 |
Psychotic outbursts and feminicides. 23/12_1290 |
The guitar. 23/12_1289 |
Cybersecurity. 23/12_1288 |
Criminal behavior. 23/12_1287 |
Deafness to the transference. 22/12_1286 |
Chain or link of symbols. 22/12_1285 |
Neurosis of repetition compulsion. 20/12_1284 |
Transference. 21/12_1283 |
Cause and effect. 21/12_1282 |
To bring unconscious experiences to
consciousness. 21/12_1281 |
To streamline the process. 21/12_1280 |
Giulio Natta. 21/12_1279 |
To reveal one's dreams. 20/12_1278 |
George Bernard Shaw. 20/12_1277 |
Maternal complex and castration complex. 20/12_1276 |
Feminicides:Victims and perpetrator. 19/12_1275 |
The iron wheel and the fragility of life. 18/12_1274 |
Dualisms. 18/12_1273 |
Feminicides. 18/12_1272 |
dream amazing. 18/12_1271 |
Quid libidinal. 18/12_1270 |
Le Vennerine. 18/12_1269 |
Freedom of the press. 17/12_1268 |
Two character traits. 17/12_1267 |
Lord's Vineyard. 17/12_1266 |
Mythologies and ideologies. 17/12_1265 |
How many are the instinctual drives of
one's Self?. 16/12_1264 |
The crazy resistances of the castration
complex. 16/12_1263 |
The maintenance of the Self-image. 16/12_1262 |
Primary castration. 15/12_1261 |
Analysis of the formal aspects of a
transference dream and what follows. 15/12_1260 |
Supercharging. 15/12_1259 |
Analytical therapy. 14/12_1258 |
Medicine, Psychoanalysis and Quantum
Physics. 14/12_1257 |
Scale invariance. 13/12_1256 |
Mental illness blindness or the blindness
of the Israeli leadership. 13/12_1255 |
Understand/Mean. 13/12_1254 |
Giorgio Parisi. 13/12_1253 |
Addictions. 10/12_1252 |
Christimas gifts and Halloween gifts. 12/12_1251 |
Before Halloween. 12/12_1250 |
Sublimate. 11/12_1249 |
Tavan Federico. 10/12_1248 |
Terrorism. 10/12_1247 |
Ideologies and ideals. 10/12_1246 |
Summit meeting. 10/12_1245 |
Progress of thought and concepts. 09/12_1244 |
Second dream that expresses transference. 09/12_1243 |
First dream that expresses transference. 09/12_1242 |
Minute movements. 09/12_1241 |
Addictions and ed illusions. 09/12_1240 |
Religions. 09/12_1239 |
The activated processes continue on their
own and, at a distance, communicate about themselves. 09/12_1238 |
Addictions. 09/12_1237 |
Woman is fickle.... 06/12_1236 |
Alternative reality or alternative vision?. 08/12_1235 |
Action and reaction. 06/12_1234 |
Symbolic representation of one process and
end of work. 06/12_1233 |
Possible relationship between the evolution
of religious beliefs, their symbols, and the corresponding
unconscious evolution of the psyche. 07/12_1232 |
Entelechy and hyperuranion*. 07/12_1231 |
And there we are psychoanalysis or
perhaps in a different field of knowledge. 07/12_1230 |
The reduction filter. 06/12_1229 |
What is helpful or nor helpful in
psychoanalysis. 05/12_1228 |
Possible course of onset and symptom
enhancement in an individual. 05/12_1227 |
The ability of the unconscious to
perceive the communication of the other unconscious. 05/12_1226 |
The perennial equation of the human
species. 05/12_1225 |
The dynamic use of libido (body and mind)*. 05/12_1224 |
What has been. 05/12_1223 |
Ability too see. 04/12_1222 |
Still on the coffin. 04/12_1221 |
The starting condition. 04/12_1220 |
Sad aphorism._04/12_1219 |
The "coffin" as a symbol._04/12_1218 |
Robotization._03/12_1217 |
Psychosis and acted._03/12_1216 |
Imaginative simulation (or may be not). 02/12_1215 |
Hate._02/12_1214 |
Hamas and the brutality._02/12_1213 |
Possible situations._1/12_1212_ |
Two extreme and opposite types of
communication._01/12_1211._ |
The new book of grimaces._01/12_1210 |
A sura of the Qur'an says._01/12_1209 |
The cancer._01/12_1208 |
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth/Turn
the other cheek. 01/12_1207 |
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth/Turn
the other cheek. 01/12_1206 |
The traffic. 01/12_1205 |