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Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2023 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2023 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '23 Cronological indexes Apr-Giu Cronological indexes  Lu-Di '23


Self-analysis and synchronicity phenomena.  31/06_843_24 Backlashes.  31/06_842_24 Niveau Mental.  31/06_841_24 The only things that are TRUE.  31/06_840_24
Neural vs Microtubules:Anatomical Differences in Neurons and Other Cells.  30/06_839_24 Ear worm.  30/06_838_24 The cycle of life battin death.  30/06_837_24 Water cycle.  30/06_836_24
Cosciousness.  29/06_835_24 Relationship between libido awareness and the elimination of false self information.  29/06_834_24 The elimination from consciousness of false self information.  29/06_833_24 Shaman of the 20th Century.  28/06_832_24
The realization of libido.  28/06_831_24 Possible representation of brain damage.  28/06_830_24 Allergies.  28/06_829_24 False self and Secondary Adaptation.  28/06_828_24
The false "god".  26/06_827_24 The Great Frost.  26/06_826_24 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Childre.  26/06_825_24 Apparent causes and real causes.  26/06_824_24
This is crazy yet it makes sense.  26/06_823_24 Levels of Self-information.  26/06_822_24 The old women and the Self.  26/06_821_24 Experiences and neurons.  24/06_820_24
The Final Dialogue Between the Self and the False Self.  23/06_819_24 Behaviors. 23/06_818_24 Self-integration into self-consciousness.  23/06_817_24 The Genetic Self in the "Machine".  23/06_816_24
Synchronicity phenomena.  23/06_815_24 Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle: What is, TOGETHER with what NOT .  23/06_814_24 Tradizions, Habits, Habitual sequences and Obsessive-compulsive behavioral sequences.  22/06_813_24 Connections of madness or intuitive connections?.   22/06_812_24
From false information (of the false self) to the TRUE information of th Self.  22/06_811_24 Some time ago.  22/06_810_24 The evolutionary mutagenic relationship  between the real environment and the psyche (and genetic code).  22/06_809_24 Warmongering by leaders and arms manufacturer.  22/06_808_24
Autismo.  22/06_807_24 Native Americans and cow boy.  22/06_806_24 Transference and countertansference. 22/06_805_24 To animal killers.  21/06_804_24
Systems  20/06_803_24 Two needs, two desires, two illusions.  20/06_802_24 "The Men Who Stare at Goats" (by Grant Heslov).  20/06_801_24 Wars.  20/06_800_24
Learning to fly.  20/06_799_24 Imprinting infantile ed adattamento secondario (Infanzia ed adolescenza)20/06_798_24 Social network.  20/06_797_24 Cambiare il passato.  20/06_796_24
The Truman Show by Peter Weir.  19/06_795_24 "The Big Brother" by G. Orwell.  19/06_794_24 The anger and the Denied Self. 19/06_793_24 Evolution of meanings.  19/06_792_24
The egg, the chickens and the sandwich.  19/06_791_24 Outer Range.  19/06_790_24 Therapy and psychic growth.  19/06_789_24 Self-learning.  19/06_788_24
Freud e Jung.  18/06_787_24 Dreams.  18/06_786_24 Birth, (so to speak).  18/06_785_24 Broadening of the experience.  18/06_784_24
The relationship between the symbol's image and its meaning.  18/06_783_24 Genetic code._17/06_782_24 Neoplasms and psichoanalysis.  17/06_781_24 Parasitism.  17/06_780_24
High-level meeting.  16/06_779_24 The wages of the false self.  16/06_778_24 The dirty.  15/06_777_24 Simply put.  15/06_776_24
Everyting speaks of itself, evewyting speaks of the Self.  15/06_775_24 Total dissociation oneself.  15/06_774_24 Sentiment function, Perception function.  15/06_773_24 Water, the symbol, symbolism or: Rational function, Intuition function.  15/06_772_24
Transitive property.  14/06_771_24 The homophobic general.  14/06_770_24 A Self-awareness, not a consciousness.  14/06_769_24 Symptom variability.  14/06_768_24
Reunification.  13/06_767_24 Unifying theory.  13/06_766_24 Pain perception.  13/06_765_24 The Self.  13/06_764_24
Libido.  12/06_763_24 Josef Mengele.  12/06_762_24 Snake's brain.  12/06_761_24 To Unify, To unite/To divide,To separate.  12/06_760_24
The Relationship between the Self, Childhood Consciousness  and Countertransference.  12/06_759_24 I am neither an insect nor an entomologist. 12/06_758_24 The right thing.  12/06_757_24 The transmission of genetic information from the genetic code to the unconscious.  12/06_756_24
"Crazy people".  11/06_755_24 Medical Science.  11/06_754_24 Brain Singularity.  11/06_753_24 The Three Consciousness  of the Self.  11/06_752_24
Denied love.  11/06_751_24 Understand.  10/06_750_24 Deep memories an Surface memories.  10/06_749_24 Dissociated consciousness TOTALLY devoid of  self.  10/06_748_24
"St Antony's chain".  10/06_747_24 A fierce enemy INSIDE the head.  09/06_746_24 That which precedes.  08/06_745_24 Social Animals:The Pack Leader.  09/06_744_24
Underestimation of risks and overestimation of benefits.  08/06_743 24 A light in the great darkness.  09/06_742 24 Crazy loop.  08/06_741 24 Self-emulation WITHIN CONSCIOUSNESS(2) 8/06_740 24
Rational intelligence.  07/06_739 24 Self-emulation WITHIN CONSCIOUSNESS (1) 07/06_738 24 Reality ONE and reality TWO.  07/06_737 24 Imprinting.  07/06_736 24
Reality two and reality three.  07/06_735 24 Expanding experience, reliving experience.  07/06_734 24 Intuition, function intuition.  07/06_733 24 Srinivasa Ramanujan.  07/06_732 24
The Terror Provoked by Diversity and the Hatred it Breeeds.  06/06_731 24 To do a handstand from a standing position.  06/06_730 24 Reality.  06/06_729 24 Against the current with enormous doubts:Electrons and photons.  06/06_728 24
Derive.  06/06_727 24 QAnon: Mental illness has produced its own philosophy.  06/06_726 24 Crazy hipothesis.  06/06_725 24 Extremely difficult concept to grasp.  05/06_724 24
The right  (??!!) to compassion.  04/06_723 24 Vanidduzza e Vaniddazza.  04/06_722 24 Ewery now and then i suggest a game.  04/06_721 24 Particles and waves.  04/06_720 24
Capitalism.  03/06_719 24 The beginning of the self-transformation process of dissociated consciousness.  03/06_718 24 Brain matter.  03/06_717 24 The same field.  03/06_716 24
Chaos is an order that has yet been coded.  01/06_715 24 The emergence of childhood self-awareness.  01/06_714 24 Second trauma or_abandonment  trauma.  02/06_713 24 A tough case.  01/06_712 24
Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019