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Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2024 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2024 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '24 Cronological indexes Apr-Giu Cronological indexes  Lu-Di '24


Trasmission of the maternal complex and, where present, of the castration complex. 29/03_430_24 Hitler end the nazism. 29/03_429_24 Millimeter paper. 29/03_428_24 Severity of mental illnesses. 29/03_427_24
Scandalous claim (which fundamentally denies the exitence of DESTINY). 28/03_426_24 Power of Language and Oddities Mind (2). 28/03_425_24 Power of Language and Oddities of the Diseased Mind (1). 28/03_424_24 The parting of the Red Sea and entry of the Hebrew people into the "Promised Land". 28/03_423_24
All possible knowelwdge. 28/03_422_24 All Knowledge of the Self. 27/03_421_24 An istant  Before  the Big Bang, an Istant After. 27/03_420_24 Eddy current and super signal. 27/03_419_24
Phisical punishment. 26/03_418_24 Sincronicity. 26/03_417_24 Some good reasons to become self-aware. 26/03_416_24 What does it mean to be dissociated from oneself .. 26/03_415_24
To live is to perform (3). 26/03_414_24 To live is to perform (2). 26/03_413_24 To live is to perform(1). 26/03_412_24 Dynamic Meanings of Dream Symbols. 26/03_411_24
Prothetic devices. 23/03_410_24 CheckSum. 23/03_409_24 Castration Complex. 23/03_408_24 Victims and perpetrators. 23/03_407_24
Victim ad Executiner. 23/03_406_24 Information. 23/03_405_24 Don't want to meet/get to know him/her. 23/03_404_24 The emergence of Consciousness and Memory. 23/03_403_24
An incommon language. 22/03_402_24 Obliteration. 22/03_401_24 A new type of "healing" candy. 22/03_400_24 Dissociated cosciousness. 22/03_399_24
Transfert and countertransference in Action. 22/03_398_24 Knowledge and consciousness. 22/03_397_24 Medium. 22/03_396_24 Guilts. 22/03_395_24
Happiness condition. 18/03_394. Overflow One and overflow two. 18/03_393_24 Ihe pouring (the second symmetrical to the first). 18/03_392_24 Draw hatred upon oneself. 18/03_391_24
Addictions. 18/03_390_24 An obvious question. 18/03_389_24 Simmetries. 18/03_388_24 Opportunistic symptoms. 18/03_387_24
Spilling over into reality. 15/03_386_24 Desensitization. 15/03_385_24 Dreams and insight. 15/03_384_24 Castration complex. 15/03_383_24
Two Words in One. 15/03_382_24 Stand By. 14/03_381_24 Bipolarity. 14/03_380_24 Contact of Robert Zemeckis. 14/03_379_24
Psychological Pain and Physical Pain. 13/03_378_24 The Overturned Consciousness. 13/03_377_24 If the knots of mythology are not untied.  13/03_376_24 Hypochondria. 13/03_375_24
Nazism is alway. 13/03_374_24 Closed System and open system. 13/03_373_24 Neurites. 13/03_372_24 Occam's razor. (Novacula Occam). 13/03_371_24
Neurites. 12/03_370_24 Tell. 12/03_369_24 Perceptual Consciousness and Cognitive Consciousness. 12/03_368_24 Cut and Paste. 12/03_367_24
My worst enemy.  08/03_362_24 The Western Wall. 11/03_365_24 To gain knowledge about the functioning of consciousness. 11/03_364_24 Rational thinking. 11/03_363_24
The Five Types of Action of Consciousness.  08/03_362_24 Therapeutic help. 08/03_361_24 Astruse concepts.  08/03_360_24 Limits imposed on the unconscious. 08/03_359_24
Production of libido in consciousness. 08/03_358_24 Cause and effect. 08/03_357_24 Why is an individual or peole persecuted?. 08/03_356_24 Addictions. 08/03_355_24
Addictions. 07/03_354_24 Statement. 07/03_353_24 Speech therapy. 07/03_352_24 Unwanted legacy. 07/03_351_24
Two poetries. 07/03_350_24 Dissociated consciousness with castration complex. 07/03_349_24 Symptoms and diseases or disorder. 07/03_348_24 Two hypotheses, for what they're worth. 07/03_347_24
Stem cells and Neuronal cells. 06/03_346_24 The brain learns. 06/03_345_24 Competition. 06/03_344_24 Quantum Consciousness. 06/03_343_24
Neural Self-Awareness. 06/03_342_24 Dissociated neural consciousness. 06/03_341_24 Insight. 06/03_340_24 The rules. 06/03_339_24
Subjugation of consciousness. 05/03_338_24 False self information and Coerced consciousness processing. 05/03_337_24 The laboratory. 03/03_336_24 The female as a projection of the diseased male psyche. 03/03_335_24
The Countertransference in Dreams. 03/03_334_24 The transference. 03/03_333_24 Growth process. 03/03_332_24 Information. 03/03_331_24
The madness of rationality. 02/03_330_24 Rest assured!. A.I. will not be able to overcome your resistance. 02/03_329_24 Femicides. 02/03_328_24 Consciousness . 02/03_327_24
Let's give another version of the story. 02/03_326_24 Distinguish. 02/03_325_24 Ear worm. 02/03_324_24 Anguish. 02/03_323_24
Love and hate. 01/03_322_24 Buddist monks. 01/03_321_24 Rational function and intuition function. 01/03_320_24 Reality information blindness. 01/03_319_24
I have already written it and I repeat it here. 01/03_318_24 A congruent and consequential transference dream. 01/03_317_24 Scientific knowledge. 01/03_316_24 The visited scientific exhibition. 01/03_315_24
Quantum consciousness. 01/03_314_24 Genetic code. 01/03_313_24 Psychiatric help, 5 cent (by M. Schulz)._01/03_312_24 Evolution and  de-evolution of the human specie. 01/03_311_24
A beautiful dream. 01/03_310_24 Why is this possible?, How could this have happened ?, How did it happen without us noticing?. 01/03_309_24 Ritual amputations. 01/03_308_24 The clash of opposing follies. 01/03_307_24


Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019