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Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Alphabetical indexes 2024 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2023 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '24 Cronological indexes Apr-Giu Cronoòogical Indexes Lug-Set '24 Cronological indexes  Ot-Di '24


Emotions and feelings. 30/07_1011_24      Virgil and  Beatrix. 30/07_1010_24   Atoms and molecules. 30/07_1009_24   Nazism and fascism. 30/07_1008_24  
Growth process. 30/07_1007_24   Environments. 30/07_1006_24   Comunication problem. 30/07_1005_24   Reflect. 30/07_1004_24  
Psychic growth. 30/07_1003_24   Change. 30/07_1002_24   Consistency. 30/07_1001_24   Relationship of mutual dependence. 30/07_1000_24  
Dissociated consciousness and castration complex. 29/07_999_24   Home run (Fuori campo). 29/07_998_24   The time._29/07_997_24   In the shoes of a physicist. 28/07_996_24     
Nazism and fascism. 26/07_995_24      What SEEMS_impossible. 26/07_994_24         Quantum Computer (2). 26/07_993_24   Quantum Computer  (1). 26/07_992_24  
Inception, a film by Christopher Nolan. 26/07_991_24   Autism. 26/07_990_24   Fetish and idol. 26/07_989_24   Connections. 26/07_988_24     
"The Odd Couple", film by Gene Saks. 25/07_987_24   The Conflict between Rationality and Intuition. 25/07_986_24 Narcissus. 25/07_985_24 Narcissus and his mirror. 25/07_984_24
The Big cat. 25/07_983_24 Has the dream function now fulfilled  its purpose?_24/07_982_24 Protofilament of microtubules and of neuro tubules. 24/07_981_24 Past, present and future. 24/07_980_24
Surprise!. 23/07_979_24 Dualism. 23/07_978_24 Those who... (but  they don't hnow it.). 23/07_977_24 Language. 23/07_976_24
Trepassing. 23/07_975_24 Tower of Hanoi. 23/07_974_24 Satman Singh. 23/07_973_24 Antonio Vivaldi and Igor Fedorovic Stravinskij. 23/07_972_24
Illusions. 22/07_971_24 The Illusion of Immortality. 22/07_970_24 Brain. 22/07_969_24 Clinic and Psychoanalysis. 22/07_968_24
Knowledge pulverization. 22/07_967_24 The top shelf of the cupboard._ 22/07_966_24 Relationship between microtubule protofilament and cell health (3). 22/07_965_24 Relationship between microtubule protofilament and cell health (2). 22/07_964_24
Relationship between microtubule prototofilament and cell health (1). 22/07_963_24 Relationship between neurotubule prototofilament and cell health (2). 22/07_962_24 Relationship between neurotubule prototofilament and cell health (1). 22/07_961_24 Dynamics of Neurotubules protofilament lengths (Polymerization and depolymerization.) 22/07_960_24
Possible experiment. 22/07_959_24 Cell condition, microtubules and neurotubules. 22/07_958_24 I'm an idiot i know it, and j'was been even more of an idiot lately. 21/07_957_24 Dissociation from onself. 20/07_956_24
Self-regulation. 20/07_955_24 Check Sum. 20/07_954_24 Transference and countertransference. 20/07_953_24 Health status, Disease state. 20/07_952_24
The times of the "master" in psychoanalysis. 20/07_951_24 Languages. 20/07_950_24 Functional dynamic processing and unification between neural consciousness informaton and quantum consciousness information._19/07_949_24 Unconscious, dissociated consciousness and politics. 19/07_948_24
Social Network. 19/07_947_24 The Lord of the Rings. (2). 19/07_946_24 The Lord of the Rings (1) 19/07_945_24 Hypochondria. 19/07_944_24
Observations. 18/07_943_24 On religious symbolic narratives. Including Eastern one. 18/07_942_24 Prometheus. 18/07_941_24 Stupidity and mental illness. 18/07_940_24
The Tao of Traffic. 18/07_939_24 Buddhism. 18/07_938_24 Reality. 18/07_937_24 "Li" according to Ch'en Shun, a disciple of  Chu Hsi. 18/07_936_24
Tao. 18/07_935_24 The East speaking symbolically on the Self. 18/07_934_24 Heisenberg. 18/07_933_24 The Forms of Art and Hate. 187/07_932_24
Languages. 17/07_931_24 Complete Self-knowledge. 17/07_930_24 Fascination. 17/07_929_24 Beliefs. 17/07_928_24
Genetics. 17/07_927_24 The so-called "ideologies". 17/07_926_24 The awareness of the intuition function. 17/07_925_24 Human societies. 17/07_924_24
Neurons. 15/07_923_24 Languages. 15/07_922_24 Quantum consciousness. 15/07_921_24 Scientificc knowledge. 15/07_920_24
Addictions. 15/07_919_24 Blood glucose levels. 15/07_918_24 Neural processing speed. 15/07_917_24 Attenuation or enhancement of the capacity for perception. 15/07_916_24
Circumcision and excision of the clitoris.  14/07_915_24 Totò Looks for a House.  14/07_914_24 Squirrels and cats.  14/07_913_24 Self-awareness.  14/07_912_24
Dualism.  14/07_911_24 "House book" , film by Isabel Coixer.  14/07_910_24 Being able to, Having to, Wanting to.  14/07_909_24 Energy investment.  13/07_908_24
Synchronicity?.  12/07_907_24 Symptoms unassociated with an existing pathology.  12/07_906_24 The last mile.  12/07_905_24 Apparent reality and quantum reality.  11/07_904_24
This Work.  11/07_903_24 The Wild West Epic.  11/07_902_24 A transference dream of "end process".  11/07_901_24 The long, long sequence of mental illnesses passed down from one generation to the next.  10/07_900_24
Jews  8/07_899_24 Ideas of reference.  8/07_898_24 Chess.  8/07_897_24 Evoluzionism and anti-evoluzionism.  8/07_896_24
Dissociated consciousness.  8/07_895_24 Gold Crest.  8/07_894_24 Transference and controtransference.  9/07_893_24  The conscious mind's awareness of the "brain".  8/07_892_24
Everything is a representation.  7/07_891_24 Unconscious sequence.  7/07_890_24 To break through the "glass ceiling".  7/07_889_24 June 2nd, the Feast of the Italian Republic, democratic and anti-fascist.  7/07_888_24
The mithology of the needle.  7/07_887_24  L. L. M. (Large Language Model).  7/07_886_24 Evolutionists and  anti-evolutionists.  7/07_885_24 Unwitting defense mechanism.  7/07_884_24
On th book "Liber Novus" by C. G. Jung (4).  6/07_883_24 On the book "Liber Novus" by C. G. Jung (3).  6/07_882_24 On thr book "Liber Novus"_by C. G. Jung (2).  6/07_881_24 On the book "Liber Novus" by C. G. Jung (1).  6/07_880_24       
On the book "Liber Novus" by C. G. Jung.  6/07_879_24        Accidental forgetfulness and slips of the tongue.  6/07_878_24        Parity.  6/07_877_24        Quantum consciousness.  6/07_876_24       
The mask and the false self.  6/07_875_24        Morning awakening.  5/07_874_24        Three Poisoned sources.  4/07_873_24    Let's recap.  4/07_872_24   
Worldview.  4/07_871_24          TRUE Information, FALSE  information.  4/07_870_24            Pantograph.  4/07_869_24    Delirium always has a meaning.  4/07_868_24   
World population.  4/07_867_24    Consent.  4/07_866_24 The symbol of the fish and the serpent.  4/07_865_24 What has been understood so far.  4/07_864_24
The dream dreams itself.  4/07_863_24 From chaos to order.  4/07_862_24 False self information, Self information.  4/07_861_24 In which species does the neocortex not existe?.  4/07_860_24
State of health, State of illness.  3/07_859_24 The mythe of  Filemone and Bauci.  3/07_858_24 Here's the next episode.  3/07_857_24 Neocortex.  3/07_856_24
Intuition function.  3/07_855_24 Mass psychogenic illness (MPI).  3/07_854_24 Hipothesis and theory.  3/07_853_24 Demostrations.  3/07_852_24
The washing machine is broken.  1/07_851_24 Cycles of death and rebirth.  1/07_850_24 Analysis histological comparative. 1/07_849_24 Success.  1/07_848_24
The Self.  1/07_847_24 Racism.  31/06_846_24 Dissociative condition.  31/06_845_24 Libido preparation._31/06_844_24
Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019