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Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2024 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2024 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '24 Cronological indexes Apr-Giu Cronological indexes  Lu-Di '24


========== Man and evil._30/04_569  24 The Three-Body Problem. 30/04_568  24 Metafhors and symbolic represantation. 30/04_567  24
Possibility of Emulative Hypotheses. _29/04_566  24 Attractive force nd repulsive force. 29/04_565  24 Sleep and waking._29/04_564  24 An unwary philosoher. _29/04_563  24
Great potential._27/04_562  24 The Reality of the Unconscious and Reality of Reality._27/04_561  24 Oh yes!. Travelling!!_27/04_560  24 Mathematics._27/04_559  24
Quantum gravity. 27/04_558  24 The World Turned Upside Down and the Psychological tests. 27/04_557  24 Abilitation exam. 27/04_556  24 Dark matter._27/04_555  24
Conflicts._26/04_554  24 Appearance of Reality and its Conceptual Superstructure. 26/04_553  24 Universe._26/04_552  24 The Two Totalities Of the Self. _26/04_551  24
Sensible reality._26/04_550  24 Dark matter._26/04_549  24 The Doctor and the Brain. 26/04_548  24 The question is always the same. _26/04_547  24
Identification._25/04_546  24 Fairy tales._25/04_545_24 The flows._25/04_544_24 A second time._25/04_543 24
Individuality._25/04_542    _24 Scattered Thoughts._25/04_541_24 Desire, need and the Discourse that satisfies them._25/04_540_24 Identity._25/04_539_24
Microtubules._23/04_538_24 Tunnelling effect._23/04_537_24 Oncological pathology. _23/04_536_24 Change process in a dual system._23/04_535_24
Cernobyl._23/04_534_24 Expansion of the existing and reconfiguration._22/04_533_24 Pathologies._22/04_532_24 Individuals and System of Individuals._22/04_531_24
Available Space and the Consciousness of the Self._22/04_530_24 The blind terror of the imprending invasion._21/04_529_24 Just to be clear. 21/04_528_24 The "sincronica" washing machine. 21/04_527_24
The True and the False. 19/04_526_24 The castration complex in the dream. 19/04_525_24 The concept of beauty. 19/04_524_24 Infantile consciousness. _19/04_523_24
Intrapsychic conflicts. 19/04_522_24 Maternal complex and related dependence. 19/04_521_24 Hypothesis on the genesis of the dissociative condition. 19/04_520_24 Different types of systems in trasformation and different neesds. 19/04_519_24
Dual System in Action. 18/04_518_24 Social state. 18/04_517_24 The scared kitten. 18/04_516_24 Childhood and adelescence. 18/04_515_24
The Loss of Illusions. 18/04_514_24 The powerful representative elasticity of the symbol. 18/04_513_24 A psychic phenomenon unknown to me. 18/04_512_24 Hyperative Unconscious. 18/04_511_24
Desperate Children. 17/04_510_24 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 17/04_509_24 Profound pain. 17/04_508_24 Obsessions and addictions. 16/04_507_24
The need to care for others. 16/04_506_24 Time and space. 15/04_505_24 Two  "heads". 15/04_504_24 Brain waves. 15/04_503_24
The many painful masks of the Self. 14/04_502_24 C. G. Jung and the dead fish. 14/04_501_24 Centrism in politics (and beyond). 14/04_500_24 To My Distant and Unknown Readers. 14/04_499_24
Problem solving. 14/04_498_24 Planned obsolescence, genetic "obisololescence". 14/04_497_24 Castration complex. 14/04_496_24 Gravitational waves, Brain waves. 14/04_495_24
Israelis and Arabs (Conflict between equals). 13/04_494_24 Religions. 13/04_493_24 Destinies. 13/04_492_24 Transference and counter transference. 13/04_491_24
Neural overexcitation. 13/04_490_24 Oedipus complex, or the maternal complex. 12/04_489_24 The Conflict of Opposites. 12/04_488_24 The relentless pursuit, burning ambition and delusional fantasy of the "strongman". 12/04_487_24
The clash between opposing forces. 12/04_486_24 Classification of mental disorders  by severity. 11/04_485_24 Command and control center. 11/04_484_24 Transference. 11/04_483_24
Brain waves. 10/04_482_24 Interactions. 10/04_481_24 Love. 10/04_480_24 Neutrinos. 10/04_479_24
Transference and countertrasference. 09/04_478_24 Knowledge acquisition. 09/04_477_24 Insight. 09/04_476_24 Emullative capacity of consciousness. 09/04_475_24
Symbols according to Leibniz. 09/04_474_24 Electrons, according to Leibniz (?). 09/04_473_24 Personal Self, Systemic Self. 09/04_472_24 Music. 09/04_471_24
The cause, the ideal and the effects. 08/04_470_24 Sentimental thoughts and regrets. 08/04_469_24 Structural "hierarchy" of the psyche. 08/04_468_24 The world of music. 08/04_467_24
Nothing that a human being experiences is separate from themselve. 08/04_466_24 A. Vivaldi:"The Storm of Sea". 08/04_465_24 Take care of yourself. 08/04_464_24 The early life of a cat. 08/04_463_24
Transference and countertransference. 08/04_462_24 Trasparency International. 07/04_461_24 Addictions.__07/04_460_24 Dog's love and Love for dogs. 06/04_459_24
False information or false self-information or false self prosthesis. 06/04_458_24 Possible long-term effects. 06/04_457_24 Transference and countertransference. 06/04_456_24 One directory called "destiny". 06/04_455_24
41. bis imprisonment._04/04_454_24 From one addiction to another. 04/04_453_24 Sacrifices humans_05/04_452_24 Consciousness-unconscious relantionship. 04/04_451_24
Self-teaching._04/04_450_24 Oneiric function. 04/04_449_24 Perfomance review. 04/04_448_24 Little ideas and big ideas._04/04_447_24
Fundamental mechanism. 02/04_446_24 Quantum Changes._02/04_445_24 Libido/"Dark" energy._02/04_444_24  New Frontiers of Psychoanalysis. 02/04_443_24
Unconscious wisdom. 02/04_442_24 Genocide. 02/04_441_24 Sensory deprivation. 02/04_440_24 Change. 02/04_439_24
Edison/Tesla=Corrente Continua/Corrente Alternata. 02/04_438_24 Danni fisici e dolenzie. 02/04_437_24 Codice Genesi, un film di Albert Hughe. 02/04_436_24 Aftermath of the recently concluded (or almost) growth process. 02/04_435_24
Edison/Tesla=Direct Current/ Alternating Current. 02/04_438_24 Physical damage and pain. 02/04_437_24 The Book of Eli, a film by Albert Hughe. 02/04_436_24 Aftermath of the recently concluded (or almost) growth process. 02/04_435_24
Quantum Shifts and Changes in Consciousness. 01/04_434_24 "Charismatic" leaders ". 01/04_433_24 Physical and mental condition. 01/04_432_24 "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosopy.". (W. Shakespeare-Amleto). 01/04_431_24


Alphabetic Index. 2020 (L-Z)  Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Jun '20 Cronolog.Indexes Lug-Dic 20   Alfab. Indexes 2021 (A-J) Alphabetic Index. 2021 (L-Z) Cronolog. Indexes Gen-Mag 2021 Cronolog. Indexes Lug - Dic '21
Alphabetic Index16-19 (A-J) Aphabetic Index16-19 (L-Z) Cronolog.Indexes 2016-2017 Cronolog. Indexes 2018 Cronolog.Indexes  2019