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January 2025 February 2025 March  2025 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024
Glossary. Selection of poetry and tales.
Aphabetical indexes 2025 (A-J) Alphabetical indexes 2025 (L-Z) Cronological indexes Ge-Gi '25 Cronological indexes  Lu-Di '25 ITALIAN VERSION
Questo gennaio del  2025. 31/01_283_25 Libero arbitrio e coazioni a ripetere (2). 31/01_282_25 Libero arbitrio e coazioni a ripetere (1). 31/01_281_25 I potenti ed i servi inconsapevoli. Ovvero la Piramide Sociale. 31/01_280_25
Expansion of the Universe.  30/01_279_25 Quantum changes of electrons.   30/01_278_25 Self-awareness. 30/01_277_25 January 29th, Day of Remembrance. 29/01_276_25
Quantum summary. 29/01_275_25 Tsunami. 29/01_274_25 Is this the Justice we want in Italy?. 29/01_273_25 False information about the false self, or what is known today about it. 29/01_272_25
Fake News, or what we know about it today. 29/01_271_25 Resistance to change. 28/02_270_25 Flexibility of quantum electron configurations. 28/02_269_25 Communicate. 28/02_268_25
Mass dissociative state. 28/02_267_25 Spring cleaning. 28/02_266_25 Insight. 27/02_265_25 Neurodelusions. 27/02_264_25
False information of the false self. 27/02_263_25 The liquor bottles. 27/02_262_25 There's garbage in the faucet handle. 27/02_261_25 The unconscious infinite cruelty of widespread mental illness. 26/02_260_25
Garibaldi, the hero of the two worlds. 26/02_259_25 At the end of the growth process. 26/02_258_25 Computer and mobile phone. 26/02_257_25 Divide and conquer, unite and strike. 26/02_256_25
Transitions, or everything flow (2). 25/02_255_25 Transitions, or everything flow (1). 25/02_254_25 Conversation with Gemini. 25/02_253_25 Piriformis muscle contratture. 25/02_252_25
Powerful defenses of the Consciousness of Self. 25/02_251_25 Fourier integral transform. 24/02_250_25 Self-fulfilling prophecy. 24/02_249_25 The route. 24/02_248_25
Lesson of psychic growth. 24/02_247_25 Undifferentiation and  differentiation. 24/02_246_25 The status quo ante. 24/02_245_25 Machine brain and tiny machine consciousness. 24/02_244_25
Psychic pandemic. 24/02_243_25 Terrorism. 23/02_242_25 Compulsions to repeat: Hyperrational intelligence and stupidity. 23/02_241_25 Suffering and pain. 23/02_240_25
Perceptual consciousness and cognitive consciousness (2). 23/02_239_25 Perceptual consciousness and cognitive consciousness. (1). 23/02_238_25 The communication channel between consciousness and the genetic code. 23/02_237_25 False information of the false self. 22/02_236_25 
Timing. 22/02_235_25 Synchronization (2). 22/02_234_25 Synchronization (1). 22/02_233_25 The dream image of the conscious Self. 22/02_232_25
Yet another symbolic synthesis of the process of psychological growth. 21/02_231_25 "Herasehead" by David Linch. 21/02_230_25 In the time of Galileo Galilei. That is to say TODAY. 21/02_229_25 Arthur Bloch's "Murphology"  21/02_228_25
Homophobia, etc. 21/02_227_25 Sexuality of prosthetics(2). 21/02_226_25 Sexuality of prosthetics (1). 21/02_225_25 A pair of king. 20/02_224_25
Candide, or the Best of All Possible Worlds.  20/02_223_25  The alfa and omega of the Self and pyschic growth. 20/02_222_25  Brexit and other foolish sovereignties. 20/02_221_25  Coincidences and statistical occurrences. 19/02_220_25
Quantum consciousness. 18/02_219_25  Quantum Physics Notes. 18/02_218_25  The genetic code, genes, the unconscious, and dissociated conscousness. 17/02_217_25 The unconscious, its istinctive contents, and consciousness. 17/02_216_25
Animal cruelty. 17/02_215_25 War begets war. 17/02_214_25 Massacres. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. 17/02_213_25 God. 17/02_212_25
Reproduction. 17/02_211_25  Neural links and connections (also known as "spontaneous associations"). 17/02_210_25  Genetic informatio. 17/02_209_25 



Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. 15/02_208_25
The meanings of the Self in each electron pair (2)?. 15/02_207_25 The meanings of the Self  in each electron pair (1)?. 15/02_206_25 The death. 15/02_205_25 The naivety of porcupines. 16/02_204_25
The two alternative routes. 15/02_203_25 Quantum Pathways (2). 15/02_202_25 Quantum Pathways (1). The Guiding Star*. 15/02_201_25 Mass communication. 15/02_200_25
The myth of the Promised Land. 15/02_199_25 RLet us now return to the Buddhist Kalachakra ritual. 15/02_198_25 Let's go back to electricity. 15/02_197_25 Interactions. 15/02_196_25
The unification of the masculine principle with the feminine pinciple. 15/02_195_25 Symbolic representations of self-genetic information and self-genetic information. 14/02_194_25 Two psychic events, two synchronous events. 14/02_193_25 Buddism. 14/02_192_25
================ Somatic symptoms. 13/02_190_25 The end of the false self's information. 13/02_189_25 Easter Cake.. 13/02_188_25
Neurons. 13/02_187_25 The Neurodelirium. 13/02_186_25 The definitive detachment of the unconscious from the parental system. 12/02_185_25 Systemic Self. 12/02_184_25
Dream representation of the false self. 12/02_183_25 The modulation of electric current and quantum states. 12/02_182_25 Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed. 12/02_181_25 The journey of the genetic Self and its alleged effects. 12/02_180_25
Unconscious removal with traslation. 12/02_179_25 Rules of compterized logistic. 12/02_178_25 Counter-exodus ad rational conceptualizations. 11/02_177_25 Masochism. 11/02_176_25
Forgetfulness. 11/02_175_25 Splendor. 11/02_174_25 Cultural totem. 11/02_173_25 The involution of the human species. 11/02_172_25
The small totem. 11/02_171_25 Awareness of the false self's information.  10/02_170_25 The signal TV. 10/02_169_25 Garbage in, Garbage out. 10/02_168_25
Mirror neurons. 09/02_167_25 Pain and its cause. 09/02_166_25  

Short-term memory. 09/02_165_25

Question posed to Google's AI Gemini. 09/02_164_25
Observation. 09/02_163_25 Hybris. 09/02_162_25 Jealousy and irritation. 08/02_161_25 Dream function. 08/02_160_25
Christmas fairy tale. 08/02_159_25 Who is to say that the King is naked?. 08/02_158_25. The symptom and its perception. __08/02_157_25 Pains from alleged but never actually occurring muscle strains. 07/02_156_25
Chronology. 07/02_155_25 Vacancy that is, the great void. 07/02_154_25 Two levels, dualism, mirror images. 06/02_153_25 "To Catch a Thief" by Alfred Hitchcock. 06/02_152_25
A reference to the novel "The Three-Body Problem" . AS A METAPHOR. 06/02_151_25 Neurons. 06/02_150_25 False information of th false self. 06/02_149_25 "Sapient learning" and "learning by emulation". 06/02_148_25
Deposits and transfers. 06/02_147_25 Afterword. 05/02_146_25 On the beginning was the Word. And also no. 05/02_145_25 The tenacious hatred  against the uncoscious feminine principle. 05/02_144_25
Variability of "reflex" somatic symptoms. 05/02_143_25 Transfert. 05/02_142_25 Liberation Day. 05/02_141_25 Still on the paradigm shift. 04/02_140_25
Mahatma Gandhi, a film  by John Briley. 04/02_139_25 The life. 04/02_138_25 Hypercriticism and thin-skinnedness. 04/02_137_25 Distances. 04/02_136_25
Hatred. 04/02_135_25 The activation of a Self-Consciousness. 03/02_134_25 Infant imprinting and castration complexes. 03_02_133_25 The growth process in summary. 02/02_132_25
Paradigm shift. 02/02_131_25 Species survival.  02/02_130_25 Symbols and rituals. 02/02_129_25 Intuitive function. 01/02_128_25
Memories. 01/02_127_25 To suppose, to assume, etc. ... . 01/02_126_25 The "very strange" paths of knowledge (2). 01/02_125_25 The "very strange"paths of knowledge (1). 01/02_124_25


================== ======= =========== Oneiric representation of the growth process and its final stage.  31/01_123_25 Oncological diseases and othe disease. 31/01_122_25
Genetic information of the Self. 31/01_121_25 Growth processes. 31/01_120_25 Scientific research. 31/01_119_25 Better late then never. 31/01_118_25
Psychic "Way of the Cross" and Physical "Way of the Cross". 31/01_117_25 Will and capacity to will.  31/01_116_25 The tragic contradiction of dissociated communication from infantile imprinting, during and even after. 31/01_114_25" The true nature of capitalism. 31/01_113_25
Cycles of death and rebirth. 30/01_112_25 Kalachakra, The Wheel of Time. 30/01_111_25 Evolution of religions. 30/01_110_25 To inhibit growth. 30/01_109_25
To do research with and on dreams. 30/01_108_25 The many remote controls. 29/01_107_25 The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien (2)29/01_106_25 The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R Tolkien (1). 29/01_105_25
Four different creative narratives. 28/01_104_25 Three synchronous event._28/01_103_25 The Jubilee and the Holy Door. _28/01_102_25 False information._28/01_101_25
Duration._28/01_100_25 Cultural learning and experiential learning (Psychic-intuitive learning)_28/01_99_25 Culture._28/01_98_25 Quantum anatomy, physiology and pathlogy._28/01_97_25
Humanity._27/01_96_25 Involuntary muscle contractions. 27/01_95_25 Mussolini._27/01_94_25 Climate Chang._27/01_93_25
Mining  method._26/01_92_25 Mass dissociative state. _26/01_91_25 Radical removal. 26/01_90_25 "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. _26/01_89_25
"I'm doing this for your own good !".And then the beating started._26/01_88_25 Dual systems. _26/01_87_25 Proverbs._26/01_86_25 The grat inner frost._26/01_85_25
Memorandum for the next democracy._26/01_84_25 What is the meaning of life?_26/01_83_25 Endless loop._26/01_82_25 Syinchronicity and a-synchronicity.  26/01_81_25
Different modes of self-integration. _25/01_80_25 Conspiracies and not. _25/01_79_25


 And, on the contrary. _25/01_78_25 The implacable hatred towards oneself generated by intantile imprinting. _25/01_77_25
From structuralism to meaning. _24/01_76_25 From indifferentiation to differentiation, or from totipotent  cells to meaning. _24/01_75_25 Rationality._24/01_74_25 Ancient psychiatry as a pseudoscientific source of madness._24/01_73_25
Genetic Self, Symbolic Self, Self of meaning._23/01_72_25 Hypothesis of relantionship and correlations. 23/01_71_25 Where does psychic dissociation start?_23/01_70_25 To organize "immigration" inone's consciousness._22/01_69_25
The restoration._22/01_68_25 Parallels._22/01_67_25 My Way._21/01_66_25 The terror inflcted on the unconscious by infantile imprinting._21/01_65_25
The increased flow of libido in the consciousness._20/01_64_25 Quantum consciousness is now activated, providing the maximum possible protection for the individual system._20/01_63_25 Representation of the false self and the action of its cleansing from the consciousness._20/01_62_25 Soul._19/01_61_25
Chainsaw politics. _19/01_60_25 One the traps of dissociative consciousness._18/01_59_25

Spontaneous action. _18/01_58_25

Dissociated consciousness, or the stupid little machine, a.k.a. "Madame la Guillotine."_17/01_57_25
Intuitive function._16/01_56_25 Emulation and creativity._16/01_55_25 The growth process in children where they are "assisted" by a self-aware adult (2)_15/01_54_25 The growth  process in children where they are "assisted" by a self-aware adult (1).__15/01_53_25
Infant imprinting, dissociated consciousnesses and castration complexes. _15/01_52_25 Fatwa. _15/01_51_25 One of the foolish defenses of the stupid machine. _15/01_50_25 Netanyahu and Erdogan. _15/01_49_25
Haooiness. _15/01_48_25 IThe unconscious or the unconscious  brain?.  _15/01_47_25 The extraordinary activities of consiousness and the brain begin immeditely. _14/01_46_25 The dissociation of memory from consciousness.  _14/01_45_25
The diffusion throughout the organism,  cell by cell, of self-information.  _13/01_44_25 The lengthening of the path of the growth process.  _13/01_43_25 Abdominal cramps.  _13/01_42_25 Unlimited arrogance?  _13/01_41_25
Innate infant consciousness ,infant imprinting and the stomach.   _13/01_40_25 The wholeness of the Self._10/01_39_25 Brain and tumor cells.  _10/01_38_25 LBlood glucose levels and diabetes. _10/01_37_25
Psychtic episode._10/01_36_25 Resistance to change and their somatization. _10/01_35_25 Disturbing symptoms and diseases.  _10/01_34_25 Borders.  _10/01_33_25
Brain. _10/01_32_25 Another transference dream related to the subject discussed of the previous page._09/01_31_25 A subject with an overly shielded conscience. _09/01_30_25 Synthesis.  _08/01_29_25
After becoming aware of the activation of the defenses of the self-consiousness. _08/01_28_25 A transference dream with a highly aggressive meaning, against which the ego's conscious defenses are already active (The Umbrella).  _08/01_27_25 Absence of defenses of the dissociated consciousness.  _08/01_26_25 The mentally ill.  _08/01_25_25
Steve Jobs.  _08/01_24_25 The people of hunters, the people of gatherers, and the others.   _07/01_23_25 Become aware.  _07/01_22_25 The umbrella, the princess, and some considerations and hypotheses.  _07/01_21_25
The right thing, the wrong thing. _07/01_20_25 Venice, Gateway to the Orient. _06/01_19_25 Two synergistic therapeutic paths.  _06/01_18_25 Iron fist in a velvet glove. _06/01_17_25
The bare hand and the gloved hand. _06/01_16_25 To reunite with one's father. _05/01_15_25 Education, courtesy, kindness, and altruism. _05/01_14_25 Electronics, computer science and their respective languages. _05/01_13_25
Femminicides (2). _05/01_12_25 Femminicides (1). _05/01_11_25 The dominance of pain. _03/01_10_25 Overcoming the false self and revealing its real natura. _03/01_09_25
False information and the double-slit  experiment. _02/01_08_25 Psychoanalysis and Quantum Fhysics. _02/01_07_25 Wonderful things. _02/01_06_25 The overcoming of conflict. _02/01_05_25
The sick stray cat. _01/01_04_25 What does infant imprinting teach children's consciousness?. _01/01_03_25 Trascendental Meditation*. _01/01_02_25 To completely reverse the balance of power. _01/1_01_25